{smcl} {com}{sf}{ul off}{txt}{.-} name: {res} {txt}log: {res}C:\Users\smcdo\Documents\ProposalsProjectFinal\FinalDocs\JPR-Log.smcl {txt}log type: {res}smcl {txt}opened on: {res} 4 Jun 2019, 14:21:59 {com}. do "C:\Users\smcdo\Documents\ProposalsProjectFinal\JPR Model Replication.do" {txt} {com}. **JPR-TPRD Analysis Replication .do** . *Stata 15.1 . . ***USE REPLICATION DATASET: JPR-TPRD-ReplicationData.dta*** . . *Model: . melogit binding d_polyarchy d_cinc d_pacsettg d_pacsettr i.pastfight m_polyarchy m_cinc m_pacsettg m_pacsettr m_pastfight c.duration##c.duration c.catyr##c.catyr|| claimproposer:, cov(unstr) vce(robust) {res}{txt} Fitting fixed-effects model: Iteration 0:{space 3}log likelihood = {res:-1715.1988} Iteration 1:{space 3}log likelihood = {res: -1365.433} Iteration 2:{space 3}log likelihood = {res:-1353.0151} Iteration 3:{space 3}log likelihood = {res:-1351.6363} Iteration 4:{space 3}log likelihood = {res:-1351.6119} Iteration 5:{space 3}log likelihood = {res:-1351.6119} Refining starting values: Grid node 0:{space 3}log likelihood = {res:-1137.1863} Fitting full model: {res} {txt}Iteration 0:{space 3}log pseudolikelihood = {res:-1137.1863} Iteration 1:{space 3}log pseudolikelihood = {res:-1037.4813} Iteration 2:{space 3}log pseudolikelihood = {res:-1003.1867} Iteration 3:{space 3}log pseudolikelihood = {res:-988.24867} Iteration 4:{space 3}log pseudolikelihood = {res:-985.22932} Iteration 5:{space 3}log pseudolikelihood = {res:-984.88529} Iteration 6:{space 3}log pseudolikelihood = {res:-984.92463} Iteration 7:{space 3}log pseudolikelihood = {res:-984.94508} Iteration 8:{space 3}log pseudolikelihood = {res: -984.9544} Iteration 9:{space 3}log pseudolikelihood = {res:-984.95846} Iteration 10:{space 2}log pseudolikelihood = {res:-984.96013} Iteration 11:{space 2}log pseudolikelihood = {res:-984.96082} Iteration 12:{space 2}log pseudolikelihood = {res: -984.9611} Iteration 13:{space 2}log pseudolikelihood = {res:-984.96121} Iteration 14:{space 2}log pseudolikelihood = {res:-984.96126} {res} {txt}Mixed-effects logistic regression{col 49}{txt}Number of obs{col 67}={res}{col 69} 9,065 {txt}Group variable: {col 19}{res}claimproposer{col 49}{txt}Number of groups{col 67}={res}{col 69} 408 {col 49}{txt}Obs per group: {col 63}{txt}min{col 67}={res}{col 69} 1 {col 63}{txt}avg{col 67}={res}{col 69} 22.2 {col 63}{txt}max{col 67}={res}{col 69} 67 {txt}Integration method: {col 21}{res}mvaghermite{col 49}{txt}Integration pts.{col 67}={col 78}{res}7 {col 49}{txt}Wald chi2({res}14{txt}){col 67}={res}{col 70} 77.85 {txt}Log pseudolikelihood = {res}-984.96126{col 49}{txt}Prob > chi2{col 67}={res}{col 73}0.0000 {txt}{ralign 87:(Std. Err. adjusted for {res:408} clusters in claimproposer)} {hline 22}{c TT}{hline 11}{hline 11}{hline 9}{hline 8}{hline 13}{hline 12} {col 23}{c |}{col 35} Robust {col 1} binding{col 23}{c |} Coef.{col 35} Std. Err.{col 47} z{col 55} P>|z|{col 63} [95% Con{col 76}f. Interval] {hline 22}{c +}{hline 11}{hline 11}{hline 9}{hline 8}{hline 13}{hline 12} {space 10}d_polyarchy {c |}{col 23}{res}{space 2} 2.878035{col 35}{space 2} 1.119045{col 46}{space 1} 2.57{col 55}{space 3}0.010{col 63}{space 4} .6847461{col 76}{space 3} 5.071324 {txt}{space 15}d_cinc {c |}{col 23}{res}{space 2} 55.4012{col 35}{space 2} 25.46541{col 46}{space 1} 2.18{col 55}{space 3}0.030{col 63}{space 4} 5.489919{col 76}{space 3} 105.3125 {txt}{space 11}d_pacsettg {c |}{col 23}{res}{space 2}-.7949573{col 35}{space 2} .3479728{col 46}{space 1} -2.28{col 55}{space 3}0.022{col 63}{space 4}-1.476971{col 76}{space 3}-.1129432 {txt}{space 11}d_pacsettr {c |}{col 23}{res}{space 2} -.108078{col 35}{space 2} .2037225{col 46}{space 1} -0.53{col 55}{space 3}0.596{col 63}{space 4}-.5073667{col 76}{space 3} .2912108 {txt}{space 10}1.pastfight {c |}{col 23}{res}{space 2} 1.913771{col 35}{space 2} 1.21107{col 46}{space 1} 1.58{col 55}{space 3}0.114{col 63}{space 4}-.4598834{col 76}{space 3} 4.287424 {txt}{space 10}m_polyarchy {c |}{col 23}{res}{space 2}-1.020416{col 35}{space 2} .8005681{col 46}{space 1} -1.27{col 55}{space 3}0.202{col 63}{space 4} -2.5895{col 76}{space 3} .548669 {txt}{space 15}m_cinc {c |}{col 23}{res}{space 2}-48.21933{col 35}{space 2} 16.34981{col 46}{space 1} -2.95{col 55}{space 3}0.003{col 63}{space 4}-80.26438{col 76}{space 3}-16.17429 {txt}{space 11}m_pacsettg {c |}{col 23}{res}{space 2} 1.140398{col 35}{space 2} .2367448{col 46}{space 1} 4.82{col 55}{space 3}0.000{col 63}{space 4} .676387{col 76}{space 3} 1.60441 {txt}{space 11}m_pacsettr {c |}{col 23}{res}{space 2} .2571263{col 35}{space 2} .0833274{col 46}{space 1} 3.09{col 55}{space 3}0.002{col 63}{space 4} .0938075{col 76}{space 3} .420445 {txt}{space 10}m_pastfight {c |}{col 23}{res}{space 2}-2.227045{col 35}{space 2} 1.679697{col 46}{space 1} -1.33{col 55}{space 3}0.185{col 63}{space 4} -5.51919{col 76}{space 3} 1.0651 {txt}{space 13}duration {c |}{col 23}{res}{space 2} .3232964{col 35}{space 2} .0623383{col 46}{space 1} 5.19{col 55}{space 3}0.000{col 63}{space 4} .2011155{col 76}{space 3} .4454773 {txt}{space 21} {c |} c.duration#c.duration {c |}{col 23}{res}{space 2}-.0043653{col 35}{space 2} .0008373{col 46}{space 1} -5.21{col 55}{space 3}0.000{col 63}{space 4}-.0060064{col 76}{space 3}-.0027242 {txt}{space 21} {c |} {space 16}catyr {c |}{col 23}{res}{space 2}-.2185567{col 35}{space 2} .0575756{col 46}{space 1} -3.80{col 55}{space 3}0.000{col 63}{space 4}-.3314028{col 76}{space 3}-.1057105 {txt}{space 21} {c |} {space 6}c.catyr#c.catyr {c |}{col 23}{res}{space 2} .0031908{col 35}{space 2} .0007158{col 46}{space 1} 4.46{col 55}{space 3}0.000{col 63}{space 4} .0017878{col 76}{space 3} .0045938 {txt}{space 21} {c |} {space 16}_cons {c |}{col 23}{res}{space 2}-10.91051{col 35}{space 2} 1.44269{col 46}{space 1} -7.56{col 55}{space 3}0.000{col 63}{space 4}-13.73813{col 76}{space 3}-8.082886 {txt}{hline 22}{c +}{hline 11}{hline 11}{hline 9}{hline 8}{hline 13}{hline 12} {col 1}{res}claimproposer {col 23}{txt}{c |} {space 12}var(_cons){c |}{col 23}{res}{space 2} 17.60291{col 35}{space 2} 4.783228{col 63}{space 4} 10.33447{col 76}{space 3} 29.9834 {txt}{hline 22}{c BT}{hline 11}{hline 11}{hline 9}{hline 8}{hline 13}{hline 12} {com}. . *Information Criteria: . estat ic Akaike's information criterion and Bayesian information criterion {txt}{hline 13}{c TT}{hline 63} Model {c |} Obs ll(null) ll(model) df AIC BIC {hline 13}{c +}{hline 63} {ralign 12:.}{col 14}{c |}{res}{col 16} 9,065{col 27} .{col 38}-984.9613{col 49} 16{col 58} 2001.923{col 69} 2115.717 {txt}{hline 13}{c BT}{hline 63} {p 15 21 2} Note: N=Obs used in calculating BIC; see {helpb bic_note:[R] BIC note}. {p_end} {com}. . *Predicted Probabilities for Figure V (Calculation may take awhile): . margins, at(duration=(0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40)) {res} {txt}Predictive margins{col 49}Number of obs{col 67}= {res} 9,065 {txt}Model VCE{col 14}: {res}Robust {txt}{p2colset 1 14 16 2}{...} {p2col:Expression}:{space 1}{res:Marginal predicted mean, predict()}{p_end} {p2colreset}{...} {txt}{p2colset 1 14 16 2}{...} {p2col:1._at}:{space 1}{res:{txt:duration}{space 8}{txt:=} {space 10}0}{p_end} {p2colreset}{...} {txt}{p2colset 1 14 16 2}{...} {p2col:2._at}:{space 1}{res:{txt:duration}{space 8}{txt:=} {space 10}2}{p_end} {p2colreset}{...} {txt}{p2colset 1 14 16 2}{...} {p2col:3._at}:{space 1}{res:{txt:duration}{space 8}{txt:=} {space 10}4}{p_end} {p2colreset}{...} {txt}{p2colset 1 14 16 2}{...} {p2col:4._at}:{space 1}{res:{txt:duration}{space 8}{txt:=} {space 10}6}{p_end} {p2colreset}{...} {txt}{p2colset 1 14 16 2}{...} {p2col:5._at}:{space 1}{res:{txt:duration}{space 8}{txt:=} {space 10}8}{p_end} {p2colreset}{...} {txt}{p2colset 1 14 16 2}{...} {p2col:6._at}:{space 1}{res:{txt:duration}{space 8}{txt:=} {space 9}10}{p_end} {p2colreset}{...} {txt}{p2colset 1 14 16 2}{...} {p2col:7._at}:{space 1}{res:{txt:duration}{space 8}{txt:=} {space 9}12}{p_end} {p2colreset}{...} {txt}{p2colset 1 14 16 2}{...} {p2col:8._at}:{space 1}{res:{txt:duration}{space 8}{txt:=} {space 9}14}{p_end} {p2colreset}{...} {txt}{p2colset 1 14 16 2}{...} {p2col:9._at}:{space 1}{res:{txt:duration}{space 8}{txt:=} {space 9}16}{p_end} {p2colreset}{...} {txt}{p2colset 1 14 16 2}{...} {p2col:10._at}:{space 1}{res:{txt:duration}{space 8}{txt:=} {space 9}18}{p_end} {p2colreset}{...} {txt}{p2colset 1 14 16 2}{...} {p2col:11._at}:{space 1}{res:{txt:duration}{space 8}{txt:=} {space 9}20}{p_end} {p2colreset}{...} {txt}{p2colset 1 14 16 2}{...} {p2col:12._at}:{space 1}{res:{txt:duration}{space 8}{txt:=} {space 9}22}{p_end} {p2colreset}{...} {txt}{p2colset 1 14 16 2}{...} {p2col:13._at}:{space 1}{res:{txt:duration}{space 8}{txt:=} {space 9}24}{p_end} {p2colreset}{...} {txt}{p2colset 1 14 16 2}{...} {p2col:14._at}:{space 1}{res:{txt:duration}{space 8}{txt:=} {space 9}26}{p_end} {p2colreset}{...} {txt}{p2colset 1 14 16 2}{...} {p2col:15._at}:{space 1}{res:{txt:duration}{space 8}{txt:=} {space 9}28}{p_end} {p2colreset}{...} {txt}{p2colset 1 14 16 2}{...} {p2col:16._at}:{space 1}{res:{txt:duration}{space 8}{txt:=} {space 9}30}{p_end} {p2colreset}{...} {txt}{p2colset 1 14 16 2}{...} {p2col:17._at}:{space 1}{res:{txt:duration}{space 8}{txt:=} {space 9}32}{p_end} {p2colreset}{...} {txt}{p2colset 1 14 16 2}{...} {p2col:18._at}:{space 1}{res:{txt:duration}{space 8}{txt:=} {space 9}34}{p_end} {p2colreset}{...} {txt}{p2colset 1 14 16 2}{...} {p2col:19._at}:{space 1}{res:{txt:duration}{space 8}{txt:=} {space 9}36}{p_end} {p2colreset}{...} {txt}{p2colset 1 14 16 2}{...} {p2col:20._at}:{space 1}{res:{txt:duration}{space 8}{txt:=} {space 9}38}{p_end} {p2colreset}{...} {txt}{p2colset 1 14 16 2}{...} {p2col:21._at}:{space 1}{res:{txt:duration}{space 8}{txt:=} {space 9}40}{p_end} {p2colreset}{...} {res}{txt}{hline 13}{c TT}{hline 11}{hline 11}{hline 9}{hline 8}{hline 13}{hline 12} {col 14}{c |}{col 26} Delta-method {col 14}{c |} Margin{col 26} Std. Err.{col 38} z{col 46} P>|z|{col 54} [95% Con{col 67}f. Interval] {hline 13}{c +}{hline 11}{hline 11}{hline 9}{hline 8}{hline 13}{hline 12} {space 9}_at {c |} {space 10}1 {c |}{col 14}{res}{space 2} .0138364{col 26}{space 2} .0042237{col 37}{space 1} 3.28{col 46}{space 3}0.001{col 54}{space 4} .0055581{col 67}{space 3} .0221147 {txt}{space 10}2 {c |}{col 14}{res}{space 2} .0186963{col 26}{space 2} .0047825{col 37}{space 1} 3.91{col 46}{space 3}0.000{col 54}{space 4} .0093227{col 67}{space 3} .0280699 {txt}{space 10}3 {c |}{col 14}{res}{space 2} .0244975{col 26}{space 2} .0052838{col 37}{space 1} 4.64{col 46}{space 3}0.000{col 54}{space 4} .0141413{col 67}{space 3} .0348536 {txt}{space 10}4 {c |}{col 14}{res}{space 2} .0312641{col 26}{space 2} .0057531{col 37}{space 1} 5.43{col 46}{space 3}0.000{col 54}{space 4} .0199882{col 67}{space 3} .04254 {txt}{space 10}5 {c |}{col 14}{res}{space 2} .0390093{col 26}{space 2} .0062264{col 37}{space 1} 6.27{col 46}{space 3}0.000{col 54}{space 4} .0268058{col 67}{space 3} .0512128 {txt}{space 10}6 {c |}{col 14}{res}{space 2} .0477114{col 26}{space 2} .006744{col 37}{space 1} 7.07{col 46}{space 3}0.000{col 54}{space 4} .0344934{col 67}{space 3} .0609294 {txt}{space 10}7 {c |}{col 14}{res}{space 2} .0572829{col 26}{space 2} .0073573{col 37}{space 1} 7.79{col 46}{space 3}0.000{col 54}{space 4} .0428629{col 67}{space 3} .0717029 {txt}{space 10}8 {c |}{col 14}{res}{space 2} .0675547{col 26}{space 2} .0081278{col 37}{space 1} 8.31{col 46}{space 3}0.000{col 54}{space 4} .0516246{col 67}{space 3} .0834849 {txt}{space 10}9 {c |}{col 14}{res}{space 2} .0782867{col 26}{space 2} .0091054{col 37}{space 1} 8.60{col 46}{space 3}0.000{col 54}{space 4} .0604404{col 67}{space 3} .096133 {txt}{space 9}10 {c |}{col 14}{res}{space 2} .0891929{col 26}{space 2} .0103033{col 37}{space 1} 8.66{col 46}{space 3}0.000{col 54}{space 4} .0689988{col 67}{space 3} .1093871 {txt}{space 9}11 {c |}{col 14}{res}{space 2} .0999691{col 26}{space 2} .0116913{col 37}{space 1} 8.55{col 46}{space 3}0.000{col 54}{space 4} .0770545{col 67}{space 3} .1228836 {txt}{space 9}12 {c |}{col 14}{res}{space 2} .1103157{col 26}{space 2} .0132088{col 37}{space 1} 8.35{col 46}{space 3}0.000{col 54}{space 4} .0844269{col 67}{space 3} .1362044 {txt}{space 9}13 {c |}{col 14}{res}{space 2} .1199554{col 26}{space 2} .0147848{col 37}{space 1} 8.11{col 46}{space 3}0.000{col 54}{space 4} .0909777{col 67}{space 3} .1489332 {txt}{space 9}14 {c |}{col 14}{res}{space 2} .1286447{col 26}{space 2} .0163541{col 37}{space 1} 7.87{col 46}{space 3}0.000{col 54}{space 4} .0965913{col 67}{space 3} .1606981 {txt}{space 9}15 {c |}{col 14}{res}{space 2} .1361793{col 26}{space 2} .0178651{col 37}{space 1} 7.62{col 46}{space 3}0.000{col 54}{space 4} .1011642{col 67}{space 3} .1711943 {txt}{space 9}16 {c |}{col 14}{res}{space 2} .1423955{col 26}{space 2} .0192826{col 37}{space 1} 7.38{col 46}{space 3}0.000{col 54}{space 4} .1046024{col 67}{space 3} .1801886 {txt}{space 9}17 {c |}{col 14}{res}{space 2} .1471679{col 26}{space 2} .0205847{col 37}{space 1} 7.15{col 46}{space 3}0.000{col 54}{space 4} .1068227{col 67}{space 3} .1875131 {txt}{space 9}18 {c |}{col 14}{res}{space 2} .1504062{col 26}{space 2} .0217602{col 37}{space 1} 6.91{col 46}{space 3}0.000{col 54}{space 4} .1077569{col 67}{space 3} .1930555 {txt}{space 9}19 {c |}{col 14}{res}{space 2} .1520521{col 26}{space 2} .0228049{col 37}{space 1} 6.67{col 46}{space 3}0.000{col 54}{space 4} .1073553{col 67}{space 3} .1967489 {txt}{space 9}20 {c |}{col 14}{res}{space 2} .1520766{col 26}{space 2} .023718{col 37}{space 1} 6.41{col 46}{space 3}0.000{col 54}{space 4} .1055902{col 67}{space 3} .1985631 {txt}{space 9}21 {c |}{col 14}{res}{space 2} .1504794{col 26}{space 2} .0245{col 37}{space 1} 6.14{col 46}{space 3}0.000{col 54}{space 4} .1024604{col 67}{space 3} .1984985 {txt}{hline 13}{c BT}{hline 11}{hline 11}{hline 9}{hline 8}{hline 13}{hline 12} {res}{txt} {com}. marginsplot {res} {text}{p 2 6 2}Variables that uniquely identify margins: duration{p_end} {res}{txt} {com}. . margins, at(catyr=(0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70)) {res} {txt}Predictive margins{col 49}Number of obs{col 67}= {res} 9,065 {txt}Model VCE{col 14}: {res}Robust {txt}{p2colset 1 14 16 2}{...} {p2col:Expression}:{space 1}{res:Marginal predicted mean, predict()}{p_end} {p2colreset}{...} {txt}{p2colset 1 14 16 2}{...} {p2col:1._at}:{space 1}{res:{txt:catyr}{space 11}{txt:=} {space 10}0}{p_end} {p2colreset}{...} {txt}{p2colset 1 14 16 2}{...} {p2col:2._at}:{space 1}{res:{txt:catyr}{space 11}{txt:=} {space 10}5}{p_end} {p2colreset}{...} {txt}{p2colset 1 14 16 2}{...} {p2col:3._at}:{space 1}{res:{txt:catyr}{space 11}{txt:=} {space 9}10}{p_end} {p2colreset}{...} {txt}{p2colset 1 14 16 2}{...} {p2col:4._at}:{space 1}{res:{txt:catyr}{space 11}{txt:=} {space 9}15}{p_end} {p2colreset}{...} {txt}{p2colset 1 14 16 2}{...} {p2col:5._at}:{space 1}{res:{txt:catyr}{space 11}{txt:=} {space 9}20}{p_end} {p2colreset}{...} {txt}{p2colset 1 14 16 2}{...} {p2col:6._at}:{space 1}{res:{txt:catyr}{space 11}{txt:=} {space 9}25}{p_end} {p2colreset}{...} {txt}{p2colset 1 14 16 2}{...} {p2col:7._at}:{space 1}{res:{txt:catyr}{space 11}{txt:=} {space 9}30}{p_end} {p2colreset}{...} {txt}{p2colset 1 14 16 2}{...} {p2col:8._at}:{space 1}{res:{txt:catyr}{space 11}{txt:=} {space 9}35}{p_end} {p2colreset}{...} {txt}{p2colset 1 14 16 2}{...} {p2col:9._at}:{space 1}{res:{txt:catyr}{space 11}{txt:=} {space 9}40}{p_end} {p2colreset}{...} {txt}{p2colset 1 14 16 2}{...} {p2col:10._at}:{space 1}{res:{txt:catyr}{space 11}{txt:=} {space 9}45}{p_end} {p2colreset}{...} {txt}{p2colset 1 14 16 2}{...} {p2col:11._at}:{space 1}{res:{txt:catyr}{space 11}{txt:=} {space 9}50}{p_end} {p2colreset}{...} {txt}{p2colset 1 14 16 2}{...} {p2col:12._at}:{space 1}{res:{txt:catyr}{space 11}{txt:=} {space 9}55}{p_end} {p2colreset}{...} {txt}{p2colset 1 14 16 2}{...} {p2col:13._at}:{space 1}{res:{txt:catyr}{space 11}{txt:=} {space 9}60}{p_end} {p2colreset}{...} {txt}{p2colset 1 14 16 2}{...} {p2col:14._at}:{space 1}{res:{txt:catyr}{space 11}{txt:=} {space 9}65}{p_end} {p2colreset}{...} {txt}{p2colset 1 14 16 2}{...} {p2col:15._at}:{space 1}{res:{txt:catyr}{space 11}{txt:=} {space 9}70}{p_end} {p2colreset}{...} {res}{txt}{hline 13}{c TT}{hline 11}{hline 11}{hline 9}{hline 8}{hline 13}{hline 12} {col 14}{c |}{col 26} Delta-method {col 14}{c |} Margin{col 26} Std. Err.{col 38} z{col 46} P>|z|{col 54} [95% Con{col 67}f. Interval] {hline 13}{c +}{hline 11}{hline 11}{hline 9}{hline 8}{hline 13}{hline 12} {space 9}_at {c |} {space 10}1 {c |}{col 14}{res}{space 2} .1679766{col 26}{space 2} .044308{col 37}{space 1} 3.79{col 46}{space 3}0.000{col 54}{space 4} .0811345{col 67}{space 3} .2548187 {txt}{space 10}2 {c |}{col 14}{res}{space 2} .1255296{col 26}{space 2} .0287788{col 37}{space 1} 4.36{col 46}{space 3}0.000{col 54}{space 4} .0691241{col 67}{space 3} .1819351 {txt}{space 10}3 {c |}{col 14}{res}{space 2} .0956639{col 26}{space 2} .0189805{col 37}{space 1} 5.04{col 46}{space 3}0.000{col 54}{space 4} .0584628{col 67}{space 3} .132865 {txt}{space 10}4 {c |}{col 14}{res}{space 2} .0750626{col 26}{space 2} .0128016{col 37}{space 1} 5.86{col 46}{space 3}0.000{col 54}{space 4} .049972{col 67}{space 3} .1001532 {txt}{space 10}5 {c |}{col 14}{res}{space 2} .0614016{col 26}{space 2} .0091508{col 37}{space 1} 6.71{col 46}{space 3}0.000{col 54}{space 4} .0434665{col 67}{space 3} .0793368 {txt}{space 10}6 {c |}{col 14}{res}{space 2} .0529597{col 26}{space 2} .007326{col 37}{space 1} 7.23{col 46}{space 3}0.000{col 54}{space 4} .038601{col 67}{space 3} .0673185 {txt}{space 10}7 {c |}{col 14}{res}{space 2} .0485315{col 26}{space 2} .0066732{col 37}{space 1} 7.27{col 46}{space 3}0.000{col 54}{space 4} .0354523{col 67}{space 3} .0616108 {txt}{space 10}8 {c |}{col 14}{res}{space 2} .0474339{col 26}{space 2} .0066674{col 37}{space 1} 7.11{col 46}{space 3}0.000{col 54}{space 4} .034366{col 67}{space 3} .0605018 {txt}{space 10}9 {c |}{col 14}{res}{space 2} .0494925{col 26}{space 2} .0070268{col 37}{space 1} 7.04{col 46}{space 3}0.000{col 54}{space 4} .0357201{col 67}{space 3} .0632648 {txt}{space 9}10 {c |}{col 14}{res}{space 2} .0550327{col 26}{space 2} .0076767{col 37}{space 1} 7.17{col 46}{space 3}0.000{col 54}{space 4} .0399867{col 67}{space 3} .0700788 {txt}{space 9}11 {c |}{col 14}{res}{space 2} .0648945{col 26}{space 2} .0087183{col 37}{space 1} 7.44{col 46}{space 3}0.000{col 54}{space 4} .0478069{col 67}{space 3} .081982 {txt}{space 9}12 {c |}{col 14}{res}{space 2} .0804389{col 26}{space 2} .0104898{col 37}{space 1} 7.67{col 46}{space 3}0.000{col 54}{space 4} .0598792{col 67}{space 3} .1009985 {txt}{space 9}13 {c |}{col 14}{res}{space 2} .1035487{col 26}{space 2} .0136295{col 37}{space 1} 7.60{col 46}{space 3}0.000{col 54}{space 4} .0768354{col 67}{space 3} .130262 {txt}{space 9}14 {c |}{col 14}{res}{space 2} .1367901{col 26}{space 2} .0190798{col 37}{space 1} 7.17{col 46}{space 3}0.000{col 54}{space 4} .0993944{col 67}{space 3} .1741859 {txt}{space 9}15 {c |}{col 14}{res}{space 2} .18389{col 26}{space 2} .0283737{col 37}{space 1} 6.48{col 46}{space 3}0.000{col 54}{space 4} .1282786{col 67}{space 3} .2395013 {txt}{hline 13}{c BT}{hline 11}{hline 11}{hline 9}{hline 8}{hline 13}{hline 12} {res}{txt} {com}. marginsplot {res} {text}{p 2 6 2}Variables that uniquely identify margins: catyr{p_end} {res}{txt} {com}. {txt}end of do-file {com}. log close {txt}name: {res} {txt}log: {res}C:\Users\smcdo\Documents\ProposalsProjectFinal\FinalDocs\JPR-Log.smcl {txt}log type: {res}smcl {txt}closed on: {res} 4 Jun 2019, 14:23:57 {txt}{.-} {smcl} {txt}{sf}{ul off}